Cultural, recreational and sports activities

Our University promotes extra-curricular activity in the cultural, recreational and sports spheres.

If you enjoy sport, the University Sports Centre of Piemonte Orientale (CUSPO) is the place for you. It organises and/or participates in local, national and international tournaments; over the years it has had significant success, winning cups and medals. It also has agreements with gyms and sports associations in our cities. For information, visit the website

If you like music, you can join the Orchestra and Choir of Università del Piemonte Orientale. They arrange concerts, and take part in shows, competitions and cultural events, performing on famous stages. The performances span all musical genres. Attendance is converted into supplementary academic credits for students. For more information, visit the website

Are you a theatre fan? The degree in Modern Languages has offered the project “Tillit. Teatro in Lingua, Lingua in Teatro” for years now (Theatre in Language. Language in Theatre). During the year, groups of students prepare an end-of-year show with adapted pieces and original works in German, French, English and Spanish. The final show is attended by well-known international guests who perform in Italian. For more information, see the webpage

Do you enjoy travelling? The Humanities Department organises an educational trip to Greece each year with students, professors and researchers who enjoy a shared research experience. The degree programme in Tourism Marketing and Management, and the Department of Economics and Business Studies often organise study trips.

A truly exciting experience comes with working on the Radio 6023 team, the internet radio station of “Avogadro” students. Very popular, this radio station participates in the university radio festival where it regularly wins awards and trophies. For more information, visit the website

Other activities are organised by the Departments and student associations. Visit their websites for up-to-date information.

Finally, we offer funding to various cultural and recreational initiatives managed by students. Possible candidates for funding are projects by the student associations listed/represented in the academic entities or other student groups/associations. No calls for funding requests are currently active.


Academic year 2023-2024

Applications for the grant must be submitted, by the peremptory deadline of 12:00 noon on 1/03/2024, by filling out a special online form available at the link: