Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate: Rights of the Internet of Everything


Ente finanziatore
European Commission

Dipartimenti e Centri



Dipartimento di Studi per l’Economia e l’Impresa


Componenti gruppo di lavoro

Monica Palmirani (Responsabile scientifico del progetto)

Alessandra Faraudello (Responsabile scientifico per UPO)

Durata progetto

Data inizio progetto
Data fine progetto

The Internet of Everything (IoE) poses technical, legal and ethical challenges for a society which is still under-prepared for its emergence, lacking suitable personnel (developers, policy advisors) with the necessary understanding of the complex set of issues involved. IoE goes beyond the Internet of Things (IoT) and it represents a technological and social revolution. Before the IoT, most data on the Internet was entered manually, and was limited in its coverage.

The IoT brings in automatic sensors to all kinds of equipment (refrigerators, watches, cars, heart monitors), and allows real-time data analytics in the cloud. The IoE connects disparate IoT systems via an ever- expanding network to allow cognitive computers capable of learning and sorting information to make sense of the waves of big data and get complex tasks done on our behalf. Still, the Internet is first an Internet of Persons (IoP), persons who contribute each day with a huge amount of content and create new relations via social networks. IoT together with information from social networks and other sources create the problem of how to deal with a huge amount of interconnected data, an Internet of Data (IoD), and only Big Data technologies can give meaning to data and make IoT devices smart. IoT used in the field of medicine and the availability of data in that sector give rise to the Internet of Healthcare (IoH), promising us new approaches to take care of patients, also at home.

Finally, the emergence in Internet of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin has shown the potentialities of underlying distributed ledger technologies (such as the Blockchain). Such technologies they create a layer of trust above the Internet, thus allowing transactions of all kinds. The resulting Internet of Money (IoM) promises a revolution not only in the financial world but also in many other aspects of our life, such as certificates, ballots, data ownership, etc.

The IoE has the potential to change many aspects of our daily lives. The technology offers opportunities still unforeseen, but it is invasive and not neutral, and poses important ethical and legal challengesi. The role of innovation may be challenged by society.

To remain innovative, Europe requires a new generation of researchers, professionals and leaders who are able to enter research, industry and institutions with a portfolio of competences to develop and deal with new regulations and ethics, to invent innovative solutions, and to develop highly specialized ICT IoE products compliant with the law.

University of Bologna (UNIBO), University Turin (UNITO), University Luxembourg (UL), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), the Centre for IT and IP Law of KU Leuven (KUL), Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Universität Wien (UNIVIEN), 
Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho (Spain), University of Pittsburg (USA), La Trobe University (Australia), Università del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro (Italy) and other industrial partners.