Guida al Programma e Call 2021

Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027.

Building on the success of the programme in the period 2014-2020, Erasmus+ strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities offered to more participants and to a wider range of organisations, focusing on its qualitative impact and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive, greener and digitally fit societies.

The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship.


  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Digital transformation
  • Environment and fight against climate change
  • Participation in democratic life

Web reference:

In addition to the well-known Key Action (Individual Mobility), the Program is composed of other Actions:


KEY ACTION 2 – Cooperation among organisations and institutions

  • Partnerships for Cooperation, including:
    • cooperation partnerships – scadenza 20 maggio
    • small-scale partenerships – scadenze 20 maggio/3 novembre
  • Partenerships for Excellence, including:
    • Erasmus Universities
    • Centres for Vocational Excellence
    • Erasmus+ Teacher Academies – scadenza 7 settembre
    • Erasmus Mundus Action – scadenza 26 maggio
  • Partenerships for Innovation, including
    • Alliances for Innovation – scadenza 7 settembre
    • Forward-looking Projects
  • Capacity Building projects in the field of youth – scadenza 1 luglio
  • Not-for-profit European sport events – scadenza 20 maggio


KEY ACTION 3 – Support to policy development and cooperation

JEAN MONNET ACTION – scadenza 2 giugno


Further information about Actions




Over the lifetime of a project, organisations may typically carry out a broad range of activities. From traditional activities to more creative and innovative ones, organisations have the flexibility to choose the best combination that contributes to reaching the project’s objectives in relation to its scope and in proportion to the capacities of the partnership.

On a yearly basis, the European Commission sets common priorities and objectives to be pursued at the level of the Erasmus+ Programme in different fields of education, training, youth and sport. Projects are therefore requested to frame their work in relation to one or more of these priorities.


Cooperation Partnerships

The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas. They aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level. Results should be re-usable, transferable, up-scalable and, if possible, have a strong transdisciplinary dimension. Selected projects will be expected to share the results of their activities at local, regional, national level and transnational level.

A Cooperation Partnership is a transnational project and involves minimum three organisations from three different Programme Countries.

The learning, teaching and training activities can take any form relevant for the project and may involve more than one type of participants, individually or as a group. The format, purpose and the type and number of participants in the proposed activities will be described and justified as part of the project application.

The total project grant is a variable amount, with a minimum of 100.000 EUR and maximum of 400.000 EUR for projects with a minimum duration of 12 months and a maximum duration of 36 months.

Eligible costs: project management and implementation; transnational projects meetings; project results; multiplier events; inclusion support; exceptional costs

Duration: Between 12 and 36 months.

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 20 May for projects starting between 1 November of the same year and 28 February of the following year.

(pages 164-191 Programme Guide)



Small-scale Partnerships NEW!

With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations and newcomers to the Programme, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity. This action will also support flexible formats – mixing activities with transnational and national character although with a European dimension – allowing organisations to have more means to reach out to people with fewer opportunities. Small-scale Partnerships can also contribute to the creation and development of transnational networks and to fostering synergies with, and between, local, regional, national and international policies.

A Small-scale Partnership is transnational and involves minimum two organisations from two different Programme Countries.

The proposed funding model consists of a menu of two possible lump sums, corresponding to the total grant amount for the project. Applicants will choose between the two pre-defined amounts [30 000 EUR or 60 000 EUR] according to the activities they want to undertake and the results they want to achieve

Duration: Between 6 and 24 months.

Applicants have to submit their grant application

  • by 20 May for projects starting between 1 November of the same year and 28 February of the following year,
  • by 3 November for projects starting between 1 March and 31 May of the following year.

(pages 192-198 Programme Guide)




Centres of Vocational Excellence NEW!

The initiative on Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) defines a bottom-up approach to excellence where institutions for vocational education and training (VET) are capable of rapidly adapting skills provision to evolving economic and social needs

(pages 200-207 Programme Guide)



Erasmus+ Teacher Academies NEW!

The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Erasmus+ Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies will embrace multilingualism and cultural diversity, develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area.

An Erasmus+ Teacher Academy must include at least three full partners from a minimum of three Programme countries (including at least 2 EU Member States) involving:

  • At least two nationally recognised providers of initial teacher education from two different Programme countries, and
  • At least one nationally recognised provider of continuing professional development (in-service training) for teachers.

The EU grant will be a contribution to the actual costs incurred by the project (real costs funding model). Only eligible costs and those costs that the beneficiary has actually incurred in the implementation of the project (not the budgeted costs).

Duration of the project: 3 years

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 7 September.

(pages 208-213 Programme Guide)




This action aims at fostering excellence and worldwide internationalisation of higher education institutions via study programmes – at Master course level – jointly delivered and jointly recognised by higher education institutions (HEIs) established in Europe, and open to institutions in other countries of the world.



Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM)

The EMJM supports high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.

At application stage, EMJM proposals must present fully developed joint study programmes, ready to run and to be advertised worldwide immediately after their selection. There is no limitation in terms of disciplines.

An EMJM involves at least three full partner HEIs from three different countries, of which at least two must be Programme Countries.

The EMJM grant is calculated on the basis of the following three components:

  • a contribution to the institutional costs for the implementation of the programme;
  • a maximum number of student scholarships to be awarded throughout the duration of the agreement.
  • a top-up intended to cover individual needs of students with disabilities

The consortium will receive a grant agreement for a duration of 6 academic years to finance at least four editions of the Master programme, each lasting 1 to 2 academic years (60, 90, or 120 ECTS credits).

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 26 May.

(pages 215-223 Programme Guide)



Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM)  - NEW!

The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures is to encourage the development of new, innovative, high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level. These design measures should involve (a) Erasmus+ Programme Countries, (b) institutions, and/or (c) thematic areas that are under-represented in Erasmus Mundus (see Erasmus Mundus Catalogue).

By the end of the funding period, the project is expected to have designed joint mechanisms.

The lump sum will amount to EUR 55,000 per project

Duration of the project: 15 months

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 26 May

(pages 223-227 Programme Guide)






Alliance for Innovation

Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment, including research.

They also aim to boost the provision of new skills and address skills mismatches by designing and creating new curricula for higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET), supporting the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets in the EU.

This action follows a lump sum funding model. The amount of the single lump sum contribution will be determined for each grant based on the estimated budget of the action proposed by the applicant. The granting authority will fix the lump sum of each grant based on the proposal, evaluation result, funding rates and the maximum grant amount set in the call.



Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises

Alliances for Education and Enterprises must cover at least 4 Programme countries, involving a minimum of 8 full partners. The partnership must include at least 3 labour market actors (enterprises or companies, or representative intermediary organisations, such as chambers, trade unions or trade associations) and at least 3 education and training providers (VET and/or HEIs), as full partners. There should be at least one HE institution and one VET provider involved as full partner in each proposal.

Duration of the project: 2 o 3 years

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 7 September



Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’)

Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (Blueprint) must cover at least 8 Programme countries and involve at least 12 full partners. The partnership must include at least 5 labour market actors (enterprises or companies, or representative intermediary organisations, such as chambers, trade unions or trade associations) and at least 5 education and training providers (VET and/or HEIs) as full partners. There should be at least one HE institution and one VET provider involved as full partner in each proposal.

Duration of the project: 4 years

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 7 September

(pages 228-244 Programme Guide)




Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth in Programme and Partner countries. They aim to support the international cooperation and policy dialogue in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development and well-being of youth organisations and young people.

According to the scope and objectives of the Capacity-building projects are transnational and involve minimum 2 organisation from 2 different Programme countries and 2 organisations from at least 1 eligible Partner country (i.e. at least 4 organisations from minimum 3 countries).

The number of organisations from Programme countries may not be higher than the number of organisations from Partner countries.

WARMING Only one proposal per deadline may be submitted by the same applicant. If more than one proposal is submitted by the same applicant, only the one submitted the earliest will be taken

into account while the other(s) will be automatically rejected.

The EU grant per project will vary from a minimum of 100.000 € and a maximum of 300.000 €.

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 01 July

(pages 245-252 Programme Guide)




This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension.

A Not-for-profit European Sport Event is transnational and involves up to 10 organisations (depending on the type of event).

Applicants will choose between the 3 pre-defined amounts according to the number of events and number of organisations involved in the project

  1. For the European-local event (Type I): 200.000 EUR
  2. For the European-local event (Type II): 300.000 EUR
  3. For the European-wide event: 450.000 EUR

Duration of the project: The duration must be chosen at application stage (12 or 18 months), based on the objective of the project and on the type of activities foreseen over time.

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 20 May

(pages 252-257 Programme Guide)




Key Action 3 provides support to policy cooperation at European Union level, thereby contributing to the development of new policies, which can trigger modernisation and reforms, at European Union, and systems' level, in the fields of education, training youth and sport.



European Youth Together

European Youth Together projects aim to create networks promoting cross-border partnerships that will run in close cooperation with young people from across Europe (Erasmus+ programme countries). These networks will organise cooperation, exchanges, promote trainings (for instance for youth leaders) and allow young people themselves to set up joint projects through physical and/or online activities.

The following organisations can be involved as co-ordinator:

  • NGOs (including European Youth NGOs and national Youth Councils) working in the field of Youth;
  • Public authorities at local, regional or national level.

Organisations eligible: Any organisation, public or private, with its affiliated entities (if any), working with or for young people outside formal settings established in an Erasmus+ Programme country.

Such organisations can, for example, be:

  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO (including European Youth NGOs);
  • a national Youth Council;
  • a public authority at local, regional or national level;
  • an education or research institution;
  • a foundation

Minimum of 4 partners from at least 4 Erasmus+ Programme Countries.

This action follows a lump sum funding model. The amount of the single lump sum contribution will be determined for each grant based on the estimated budget of the action proposed by the applicant. The granting authority will fix the lump sum of each grant based on the proposal, evaluation result, funding rates and the maximum grant amount set in the call.

Maximum EU grant per project is 150,000 euros

Duration of the project: 2 years

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 24 June

(pages 258-257 Programme Guide)