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Scienze e tecnologia
Scienze e tecnologia

Medical Biotechnologies

L'Università del Piemonte Orientale ti offre 38 corsi di laurea, 17 master, 10 dottorati di ricerca, 150 laboratori all’avanguardia, 7 ospedali per imparare medicina, 429 professori disponibili, 310 tutor che ti aiutano fin dal primo anno, più posti per Erasmus, spazi moderni e mai affollati.
Anche per questo il livello di soddisfazione degli studenti è tra i più alti d’Italia: 92,2%

Siamo ad Alessandria, Novara e Vercelli

All the info

The master’s degree Course in Medical Biotechnologies aims to prepare graduates with a solid background in the field of molecular biology and pathogenetic mechanisms involved in human diseases, with particular interest in the pathophysiological, diagnostic and regenerative fields as well as precision medicine. The course provides for knowledge based on interdisciplinary bases to be applied to the various fields of biotechnology aimed at the medical practice, with particular regard to the sectors of research, diagnostics, therapeutic and regenerative medicine. The educational objectives of the Medical Biotechnologies Course are aimed at providing students with a preparation that allows them to:

  • hold a good basic knowledge of the biological systems from both a molecular and a cellular point of view, in particular in relation to human diseases.
  • possess the theoretical and experimental knowledge of the multidisciplinary techniques characterizing biotechnological protocols to produce biomedical goods and services through the use of classical and new generation biological systems.
  • develop adequate skills for the communication and management of scientific information at the international level.
  • provide knowledge relating to the industrialization process and regulatory aspects.
  • be able to work in a team with a proper autonomy and to integrate promptly into the workplace.

The Master's Degree Course in Medical Biotechnologies will be delivered completely in English considering that it represents the official language of the scientific community. This Course aims to attract students of various nationalities, allowing them to integrate knowledge and experience from various cultural fields in a multidisciplinary and multiethnic environment. The course includes multiple training areas, namely pathophysiology and advanced molecular diagnostics of human pathologies and the approach to understanding the biomedicine of complex systems analyzed with next generation -omics technologies. A further training area introduced to align the Course to the new field of precision medicine is represented by regenerative medicine, which also includes the study of bioengineering of human tissues and cells.

Internationalization in a friendly environment of students from many continents and diverse Italian universities, offering numerous options for International Mobility Programs (Erasmus, Free Mover);
Choice between two didactical curricula reflecting your learning priorities and providing personalized “wet & dry lab” experience;
A plus when applying for International PhD Programs and job positions;
Constant exposure to the English language offering the opportunity to gain excellent skills for biomedical communication at the international level.

Degree program Master’s degree
Course LM/09 (Lauree Magistrali in Biotecnologie Mediche, Veterinarie e Farmaceutiche)
Access free (no entry test)
Title Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale); Doctor in Medical Biotechnologies
Campus site Via Perrone 18 - Novara, Italy
Buildings New Campus, Perrone, Bellini and CAAD in Novara

  • Solid up-to-date knowledge and an advanced “wet” & “dry” lab expertise in molecular biomedicine applied to the biological and genetic understanding of human diseases;
  • Intensive internships allowing students to become active part of a lab group involved in international research and to have the opportunity to develop a thesis research program;
  • Personalized mentoring in the lab and friendly and caring interaction with faculty and staff;
  • Tutoring options for improved mastering of subjects and preparation of the exams;
  • Free access to the UPO digital library from wherever you are.

  • Access to PhD and Post-doc positions in academic and research institutions;
  • Medical biotechnologist in academic and research institutions;
  • Biologist in the Health System and other medical and diagnostic facilities (after taking the license exam/”esame di stato”);
  • Researcher and employee in Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies;
  • Data Manager and Study Coordinator in the field of clinical trials;
  • Clinical Trial Assistant in CROs (Contract Research Organization).

The career opportunities for graduates in Medical Biotechnologies can be identified in:

  • Universities and other public and private research institutes and entities;
  • Structures of the National Health System, Hospitals, specialized public and private laboratories;
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry;
  • Research and development centers for biotechnological diagnostic products in the health area;
  • Biotechnology service centers in the medical area;
  • Public and private entities in charge of drafting health or patent regulations regarding the exploitation of ;
  • biotechnological products for the protection of human health.

Graduates in Medical Biotechnologies who will remain in Italy, on the basis of the current Italian Law DPR n. 328/01, can access, by passing the state exam, the profession of senior biologist, sect. A of the register.

Request more information about the course and find out the Open Day dates.

The master’s degree Course in Medical Biotechnologies aims to prepare graduates with a solid background in the field of molecular biology and pathogenetic mechanisms involved in human diseases, with particular interest in the pathophysiological, diagnostic and regenerative fields as well as precision medicine. The course provides for knowledge based on interdisciplinary bases to be applied to the various fields of biotechnology aimed at the medical practice, with particular regard to the sectors of research, diagnostics, therapeutic and regenerative medicine. The educational objectives of the Medical Biotechnologies Course are aimed at providing students with a preparation that allows them to:

  • hold a good basic knowledge of the biological systems from both a molecular and a cellular point of view, in particular in relation to human diseases.
  • possess the theoretical and experimental knowledge of the multidisciplinary techniques characterizing biotechnological protocols to produce biomedical goods and services through the use of classical and new generation biological systems.
  • develop adequate skills for the communication and management of scientific information at the international level.
  • provide knowledge relating to the industrialization process and regulatory aspects.
  • be able to work in a team with a proper autonomy and to integrate promptly into the workplace.

The Master's Degree Course in Medical Biotechnologies will be delivered completely in English considering that it represents the official language of the scientific community. This Course aims to attract students of various nationalities, allowing them to integrate knowledge and experience from various cultural fields in a multidisciplinary and multiethnic environment. The course includes multiple training areas, namely pathophysiology and advanced molecular diagnostics of human pathologies and the approach to understanding the biomedicine of complex systems analyzed with next generation -omics technologies. A further training area introduced to align the Course to the new field of precision medicine is represented by regenerative medicine, which also includes the study of bioengineering of human tissues and cells.

Internationalization in a friendly environment of students from many continents and diverse Italian universities, offering numerous options for International Mobility Programs (Erasmus, Free Mover);
Choice between two didactical curricula reflecting your learning priorities and providing personalized “wet & dry lab” experience;
A plus when applying for International PhD Programs and job positions;
Constant exposure to the English language offering the opportunity to gain excellent skills for biomedical communication at the international level.

Degree program Master’s degree
Course LM/09 (Lauree Magistrali in Biotecnologie Mediche, Veterinarie e Farmaceutiche)
Access free (no entry test)
Title Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale); Doctor in Medical Biotechnologies
Campus site Via Perrone 18 - Novara, Italy
Buildings New Campus, Perrone, Bellini and CAAD in Novara

  • Solid up-to-date knowledge and an advanced “wet” & “dry” lab expertise in molecular biomedicine applied to the biological and genetic understanding of human diseases;
  • Intensive internships allowing students to become active part of a lab group involved in international research and to have the opportunity to develop a thesis research program;
  • Personalized mentoring in the lab and friendly and caring interaction with faculty and staff;
  • Tutoring options for improved mastering of subjects and preparation of the exams;
  • Free access to the UPO digital library from wherever you are.

  • Access to PhD and Post-doc positions in academic and research institutions;
  • Medical biotechnologist in academic and research institutions;
  • Biologist in the Health System and other medical and diagnostic facilities (after taking the license exam/”esame di stato”);
  • Researcher and employee in Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies;
  • Data Manager and Study Coordinator in the field of clinical trials;
  • Clinical Trial Assistant in CROs (Contract Research Organization).

The career opportunities for graduates in Medical Biotechnologies can be identified in:

  • Universities and other public and private research institutes and entities;
  • Structures of the National Health System, Hospitals, specialized public and private laboratories;
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry;
  • Research and development centers for biotechnological diagnostic products in the health area;
  • Biotechnology service centers in the medical area;
  • Public and private entities in charge of drafting health or patent regulations regarding the exploitation of ;
  • biotechnological products for the protection of human health.

Graduates in Medical Biotechnologies who will remain in Italy, on the basis of the current Italian Law DPR n. 328/01, can access, by passing the state exam, the profession of senior biologist, sect. A of the register

Request more information about the course and find out the Open Day dates.

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Iscriviti SCARICA LA GUIDA A.A. 23/24

Molti vantaggi in più

150 laboratori e più spazi

Alessandria, Novara e Vercelli offrono splendidi spazi e laboratori all’avanguardia. In più ci sono corsi anche ad Alba, Asti, Biella, Fossano e Verbania.

Professori disponibili

I nostri professori sono pronti a rispondere alle vostre domande e ad accompagnarvi nello studio fin dal primo giorno.

150 accordi internazionali

Corsi di laurea e curriculum di studi in inglese. Possibilità di fare esperienza di studio o ricerca all'estero. E chi punta a una laurea binazionale può scegliere tra diversi corsi di laurea.

92,2% di studenti soddisfatti

In 24 anni UPO ha laureato più di 41mila studenti ed ogni anno se ne iscrivono sempre di più. Vieni a scoprire perché in tanti si trovano così bene.

2,8 mesi per il primo impiego

Dopo la laurea ci occupiamo anche del tuo job placement con stage curriculari, career coaching, career day, infojob...

40 corsi di laurea

19 triennali, 13 magistrali, 5 a ciclo unico e poi 24 master, 10 dottorati, 21 scuole di specializzazione. Le nostre tasse sono più contenute e la qualità dei corsi rafforzata.

Entra nell’UPOVERSO delle idee

Iscriviti SCARICA LA GUIDA A.A. 23/24

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