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Scienze e tecnologia
Scienze e tecnologia

Food, Health and Environment

L'Università del Piemonte Orientale ti offre 38 corsi di laurea, 17 master, 10 dottorati di ricerca, 150 laboratori all’avanguardia, 7 ospedali per imparare medicina, 429 professori disponibili, 310 tutor che ti aiutano fin dal primo anno, più posti per Erasmus, spazi moderni e mai affollati.
Anche per questo il livello di soddisfazione degli studenti è tra i più alti d’Italia: 92,2%

Siamo ad Alessandria, Novara e Vercelli

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You will increase your knowledge on the chemical composition of food, on the main transformation methods, on the biochemistry and nutritional properties of foods. You will learn how to use the complex methods of system biology, to evaluate the different aspects of nutrition and the role of nutrition in health and disease and disease prevention. You will also explore the plant biotechnology aspect of food production, also with regard to the environmental impact, from a health-related perspective.

If you have a degree on similar subjects obtained in Italy or abroad you could be admitted only after verification by the educational structure.

  • International course with lessons in English, with 3 foreign lecturers (visiting professors) and, on average, more than 50% foreign students enrolled;
  • Specific preparation in the fields of Food and Health and the environmental effects of food production processes;
  • Interdisciplinary and interdepartmental character of the degree (contribution of 5 Departments to teaching); multidisciplinary and industrial apprenticeships; wide diversification in the employment opportunities provided;
  • Expertise in sub-skills that enhance organisational and communication skills and employment opportunities;
  • The international character of FHE stimulates student mobility through Erasmus programmes;
  • Availability of a technical administrative staff unit that provides important and indispensable support to this course of study.

Degree program Master’s degree
Course LM-6-Biologia
Access free (no entry test). In order to be admitted to this course, students need to have a laurea diploma in L-13 class (Biological Science) or L-2 Class (Biotecnology) obtained from UPO or any other Italian University.
If you have a degree on similar subjects obtained in Italy or abroad you could be admitted only after verification by the educational structure.
Campus site Vercelli, Piazza Sant'Eusebio 5.

Deep expertise provided on several food-related topics, among which:

  • Food chemistry, food transformation, micro and macronutrients in foods and biochemical processes involved in their assimilation, diet planning in healty humans.
  • Nutrition-related human diseases, autoimmune diseases, relationships between endocrine and metabolic disorders with human diet, interactions human genetics/food/health.
  • Relationships diet/lifestyle/microbiota in humans, microbial communities and food, microrganisms and food poisoning.
  • Plant crops providing the main food sources: physiology, genetics and plant-microrganisms interactions-related aspects.
  • European Union legislation about food; food-related technology transfer (from scientific results to business).
  • The graduates may also access to PhD programs and second level Master course according to the present regulation
  • Stages abroad will be allowed through the Erasmus project

To further satisfy your interest in scientific topics not included in the main classes, you will be allowed to select 9 ECTS from other classes in UPO.

The Graduates will be able to carry out professional and managerial activities recognized by the regulation for the professional profile of the biologist. You will be able to work in the following environments

  • Public and private institutions that perform biological, microbiological, chemical-clinical analyses and quality control of products of biological origin;
  • Private companies or public institutions active in nutrition;
  • Private practice as biologists;
  • The sectors of communication, scientific dissemination, information and publishing;
  • Universities and research institutions.

Request more information about the course and find out the Open Day dates.

You will increase your knowledge on the chemical composition of food, on the main transformation methods, on the biochemistry and nutritional properties of foods. You will learn how to use the complex methods of system biology, to evaluate the different aspects of nutrition and the role of nutrition in health and disease and disease prevention. You will also explore the plant biotechnology aspect of food production, also with regard to the environmental impact, from a health-related perspective.

If you have a degree on similar subjects obtained in Italy or abroad you could be admitted only after verification by the educational structure.

  • International course with lessons in English, with 3 foreign lecturers (visiting professors) and, on average, more than 50% foreign students enrolled;
  • Specific preparation in the fields of Food and Health and the environmental effects of food production processes;
  • Interdisciplinary and interdepartmental character of the degree (contribution of 5 Departments to teaching); multidisciplinary and industrial apprenticeships; wide diversification in the employment opportunities provided;
  • Expertise in sub-skills that enhance organisational and communication skills and employment opportunities;
  • The international character of FHE stimulates student mobility through Erasmus programmes;
  • Availability of a technical administrative staff unit that provides important and indispensable support to this course of study.

Degree program Master’s degree
Course LM-6-Biologia
Access free (no entry test). In order to be admitted to this course, students need to have a laurea diploma in L-13 class (Biological Science) or L-2 Class (Biotecnology) obtained from UPO or any other Italian University.
If you have a degree on similar subjects obtained in Italy or abroad you could be admitted only after verification by the educational structure.
Campus site Vercelli, Piazza Sant'Eusebio 5.

Deep expertise provided on several food-related topics, among which:

  • Food chemistry, food transformation, micro and macronutrients in foods and biochemical processes involved in their assimilation, diet planning in healty humans.
  • Nutrition-related human diseases, autoimmune diseases, relationships between endocrine and metabolic disorders with human diet, interactions human genetics/food/health.
  • Relationships diet/lifestyle/microbiota in humans, microbial communities and food, microrganisms and food poisoning.
  • Plant crops providing the main food sources: physiology, genetics and plant-microrganisms interactions-related aspects.
  • European Union legislation about food; food-related technology transfer (from scientific results to business).
  • The graduates may also access to PhD programs and second level Master course according to the present regulation
  • Stages abroad will be allowed through the Erasmus project

To further satisfy your interest in scientific topics not included in the main classes, you will be allowed to select 9 ECTS from other classes in UPO.

The Graduates will be able to carry out professional and managerial activities recognized by the regulation for the professional profile of the biologist. You will be able to work in the following environments

  • Public and private institutions that perform biological, microbiological, chemical-clinical analyses and quality control of products of biological origin;
  • Private companies or public institutions active in nutrition;
  • Private practice as biologists;
  • The sectors of communication, scientific dissemination, information and publishing;
  • Universities and research institutions.

Request more information about the course and find out the Open Day dates.

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Molti vantaggi in più

150 laboratori e più spazi

Alessandria, Novara e Vercelli offrono splendidi spazi e laboratori all’avanguardia. In più ci sono corsi anche ad Alba, Asti, Biella, Fossano e Verbania.

Professori disponibili

I nostri professori sono pronti a rispondere alle vostre domande e ad accompagnarvi nello studio fin dal primo giorno.

150 accordi internazionali

Corsi di laurea e curriculum di studi in inglese. Possibilità di fare esperienza di studio o ricerca all'estero. E chi punta a una laurea binazionale può scegliere tra diversi corsi di laurea.

92,2% di studenti soddisfatti

In 24 anni UPO ha laureato più di 41mila studenti ed ogni anno se ne iscrivono sempre di più. Vieni a scoprire perché in tanti si trovano così bene.

2,8 mesi per il primo impiego

Dopo la laurea ci occupiamo anche del tuo job placement con stage curriculari, career coaching, career day, infojob...

40 corsi di laurea

19 triennali, 13 magistrali, 5 a ciclo unico e poi 24 master, 10 dottorati, 21 scuole di specializzazione. Le nostre tasse sono più contenute e la qualità dei corsi rafforzata.

Entra nell’UPOVERSO delle idee

Iscriviti SCARICA LA GUIDA A.A. 23/24

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